Non-verbal comm…

Non-verbal communication

The 1st Graph show you what type of non-verbal communication we have. We use many different tools of non-verbal communication like head movements and eye movements. This tools are very helpful in our daily life in our connection with foreign people who doesn’t know our native language. We can replace words which means we don’t with help from head movements or way of talking.

Actually, non-verbal communication bring together people, because we have physical contact for example by use shaking hands. This fact promotes creater more frendly atmosphere in people community.


Graph 1. Types of non-verbal communication

The diagram shows what type of non-communication most popular in our daily life. We have two biggest part of types. Firs of all, we always use tone of voice, we can show to our companion which mood we have at this moment or our relevant to the topic of conversation.

Secondly, we use many different tools of non-verbal communication, there is second biggest group, which find it on the diagram. This tools include body contact, eye movements or shaking hands. People can dicover about companoion’s mood or he lie or tell truth.


Non-verbal communication is very important in our life, it give us many specific signs about our companion.

Thank you for attencion. See you later!

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